Harold Duncan
This is Harold’s third term as councillor (currently on leave) for Stswecem’c Xget’tem Nation.
The land lover has a vast knowledge of the traditional territory on both sides of the Fraser River. As Treaty portfolio holder, Councillor Duncan is one of the NStQ representatives, negotiating with the federal and provincial governments.
He is proud of the way the community has pulled together in times of adversity such as forest fires in recent years.
Goals for being a leader for SXFN:
- Promotes increased community involvement for youth and young adults.
Harold Duncan
This is Harold’s third term as councillor (currently on leave) for Stswecem’c Xget’tem Nation.
The land lover has a vast knowledge of the traditional territory on both sides of the Fraser River. As Treaty portfolio holder, Councillor Duncan is one of the NStQ representatives, negotiating with the federal and provincial governments.
He is proud of the way the community has pulled together in times of adversity such as forest fires in recent years.
Goals for being a leader for SXFN:
- Promotes increased community involvement for youth and young adults.